Employing an unfolding process in improvisation-based sessions involving corporeal, compositional, and sonic factors, they are researching the intersection of improvisational dance practices and improvised music.
FEED is the performing trio of Andrew Wass (US), dance, Marie Takahash (J), viola, and Simon Rose (UK/DE), baritone saxophone. Since 2018, FEED have presented their work in diverse venues in Berlin. Responding to the given space, the trio highlights the somatic as the performers work through interdisciplinary relationality with close-listening-as-composing in the course of a performance.
The event takes place on a demo station by Rirkrit Tiravanija. The stage-like sculpture invites people to “demonstrate” something. Tiravanija plays with the different meanings of the term “demonstration” as both a political protest and a presentation of someone’s talent or hobby. For the duration of the exhibition, the demo station provides a space for daily public performances.
Friday, 3.1.2025
Gropius Bau, Atrium
120 minutes

You are warmly invited to the big 1MIN PERFORMANCE-marathon with 40 artists on 16.11, 6pm at NEW FEARS Gallery. Trigger warning! This time, in the light of more cultural funding cuts, under the topic of artistic death
Partly humorous , partly critical, this event wants to give visibility to the drastic cultural cuts, the precarious situation in the free scene and bring the community together in a fun event. Around 40 artists from the expanded field of performance and dance will perform how their artistic approach/language/practice would die on stage in 1min. The event is a fundraiser. After the performance-marathon, the audience will vote for their favorite artistic death. The winner gets half of the entire entrance money, the other half goes to the project-pace. This is very competitive, but also the idea to expose the increasing competition in the scene and at the same time add some spice
to the whole event.
Afterparty with PIPA DE MA$$A Entrance: Sliding 10-15€ Be on time to get a seat, it will be full and juicy.
Reichenbergerstr. 114 10999 Berlin
FEED at Hošek Contemporary
Hošek Contemporary is pleased to host two improvised and experimental sound installations:
Richard Scott (synthesiser, electronics) & Sanja Star (sonic illustration, live visuals)
FEED – Marie Takahashi (viola), Andrew Wass (dance) & Simon Rose (baritone saxophone).
May 15th
Admission: Suggested donation 10 € at the doors
Doors: 19:00
Start: 19:30
The gallery is located at
close to Fischerinsel 3
10 179 Berlin-Mitte
+49 1525 7486496
FEED at Questionarch
Lohmühlenstraße 65, 12435 Berlin
Bilat/FEED/Discoveries @ Kühlspot 74-79 Lehderstrasse, Berlin, Germany
20:00 door open
20:30 concert
Kartenvorverkauf über Eventbrite (12 € +VVK) Tageskasse 15 €, ermäßigt 9
Julia Biłat – CELLO, VOICE
Marie Takahashi – VIOLA
Andrew Wass – DANCE
Hui-Chun Lin – CELLO
Uygur Vural – CELLO
Matthias Müller – TROMBONE
Klaus Kürvers – BASS
Ulf Mengersen – BASS
PREMIERE am 07.04.2022, 20:00 Uhr
Weitere Aufführungen am 08.04. und 09.04.2022, jeweils 20:00 Uhr
Drawing on expertise in contact improvisation and a deep exploration of social space, Dritter Raum / third place takes a playful look at how being with others creates identities and interactions that are crucial to our sense of vitality, connectedness, and being in and with the world.
‘A home away from home.’
But that would be original, wouldn’t it? But nothing is original anymore, because everyone has something from Ikea. That beautiful decorative pillow you’re so proud of? It’s okay, I hope you don’t mind, but your neighbor across the street, and the one three houses down has the exact same one.
A unique space where you can just be yourself, where you’re among friends, where everyone knows your name… that’s the most important thing, right? Where else can you live an authentic version of yourself?
That place, that space – it comes after the spaces of work and home. It comes in third place. It’s a place to socialize, a place to play, a place to feel welcome. Maybe these spaces are disappearing from our lives. Maybe we need to create them. Maybe we can start to do that tonight. Dritter Raum / third place, is a piece that celebrates the social.
This is an accessible, ‘relaxed performance’. Audience members are free to move around the space, coming and going as they please. All ages are welcome.
Knowledge of English is helpful, but not required.
All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Ukraine crisis.
Production Supported by: Z Center for Rehearsal and Research / ID Frankfurt, and Landungsbrücken Theater. Supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art, and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR program.BUCHLaura Hicks
REGIE:Laura Hicks
MIT: Caterina Mocciola, Mathilde Monfreux, Bryce Kasson, Andrew Wass, Alex Zampini, and Laura Hicks
WEITERE: Dramaturgie/Outside Eye: Martin Nachbar // Lighting Design: Gregor Knüppel // Sound Design and Performance: Alex Zampini
The Outsiders
June 16th 2021, 4pm
Ingo Reulecke, Andrew Wass, Michiyasu Furutani, Katrin Geller, Christin Dross, Anna Weissenfels, Wieland Möller, Adam Goodwin, Simon Rose
Performance in dance and music in a beautiful location
Then we walk together to the performance location with the audience.
please try to be on time so we can find it together.
Meeting point
Corner of Otawistr. and Afrikanische str. at entrance to Volkspark Rehberge.
U6 Rehberge 5 mins walk.
Bus 221.