
As soon as I write this I am guaranteeing that i will get one, but I am glad that I do not have an iPod. Saw so many people on the subway today. only one guy was moving to the music. Could hear the music of several people, made me wonder about their hearing. But hearing loss aside, receiving so much stimulation without a response seems like a bad thing. As with negative emotions, it is bad to hold them in, no? Leads to cancer and all kinds of tumors. So then does that mean it is bad to hold in good emotions, or that it is good to hold in good emotions. But my point about not having an iPod is that, and this is a guess here, music eventually becomes just more noise to people. I know that NPR is kinda like that for me. I have it on all the time even if I am not actively listening to it, but if it not on I miss that stimulation. Does the radio/iPod just become extra stimulation so that my mind can’t wander. I know for many people it is a scary situation if their mind wanders…

And then once people are inured to the music they have, they gotta buy more. iPods are like cigarettes- the ultimate delivery system