
Just was driving back from the airport this morning, or was it afternoon. Anyways, heard an author on the radio, A.M. Holmes I think the name was. She was being interviewed on that show on NPR hosted by Linda Hunt. The author kept beginning sentences with “Honestly…” or “I have to honestly say…”

If she needs to use the word honestly so many times, is she telling thre truth when she does not use it? It’s kinda like grocery stores that have healthfood sections. What is the rest of the food then?

digital replacement

Recently I have been seeing more and more people listening to music playing on their cellphones. The sound quality is horrible, but there they are walking along listening to it anyways.

It must be music they have heard before and the badly reproduced digital version of it triggers a memory of the song they know. So in some sense the song they are hearing is in their head not the one coming out of the tiny cellphone speaker.

References is all we have nowadays. Digital music leaving out all the nuances of analog. Protein powder, Cliff Bars and vitamins replacing the complete nutrition humans used to eat. All the anitoxidants etc. continually being “discovered” which were there all along in a balanced diet.

Kinda like pornography. A stimulation that triggers a larger inate response within the human animal. Not the real thing but a reference to it. How much more removed from real experiences and expression are we going to get? To what extent does this reach in our collective psyche? To other people dying (IRAQ). It has definitely infiltrated the food chain. People, myself included, have no appreciation for where MEAT comes from.

It is all so sanitized.

CI class

Hmm….revelation today-you can do what you want but how people respond determines the outcome. If I try to slide but my partner goes with the impulse it is not a slide but a static point moving through space.

You can’t always get what you want…Like a CA$H grant, or a residency…

If not me, who? If not, now when?

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