
I have been working on a logo for a friend’s company. Not that he asked or anything, but it’s something I enjoy. Find the variables I like, tweak them, re-arrange them. Try to use something besides Futura, my favorite font. Though Gill Sans is growing on me as is Santu(?), I think it is called. But something about licensing came up when I saved the file. Below are a few rough mockups.

The investigation continues…

Walking backwards

I was in the studio today. Walked backwards for about 45 minutes. Thinking about chaos. When we (Lower Left) teach chaos, we tend to focus on chaos of the kinesphere, but rarely on location and vector/pathway. Space Haikus maybe, but never with the words chaos.

Walking backwards for an extended period of time allowed me to get past many crap tapes. It became quite a revelation to realize that I had yet been in a certain corner of the space and that I had not yet walked backwards with a certain section of the wall or a certain window in view yet. Also walking backwards leads to quite a pleasurable sensation in the feet. I experienced a familiar pathway in my feet but reversed. Quite a podiacal(?) enlightenment.

Could be quite a performance – walking backwards.

Walking backwards is a simple tool for finding chaos – chaos of direction, of duration, of location (which will not truly be achieved until we can teleport!). By limiting our options, we increase our awareness and thusly increase our palate. Or is it pallate or pallete?

A sense of ease and sense of chaos are not mutually exclusive. People stuck in habits can feel the swirl of chaos. Once we have an awareness of the chaos and the possibilities within do we achieve a sense of ease.

Training chaos is not to create chaos but to work within it and give us options.


This current economic crisis is another example of people not paying enough attention to language.

Sub-prime. They were called sub-prime mortgages. Sub-prime. SUB as in less than as in lower, as in not as good.

As in subpar.
As in substandard.

Yes, the prefix “sub” can be used with other words and not necessarily mean less than as in submarine, subway, substitute (though, there ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby! And what is a stitute?).

But pair the word sub with prime…

Below prime, less then prime, under primeā€¦

Would you be surprised if the grade “F” eggs you bought were spoiled and gave you food poisoning?
Would you be surprised if you went to a no star motel and it was a dump?
Would you be surprised if you paid $15.99 for a flat screen TV and it didn’t work?

If so, you have a future in finance and or politics in the US.