
So after Manhattan, I flew to San Diego and am staying in La Jolla near the beach. Talk about another stereotype of clothing. Flip flops and shorts. White people who are too brown and gonna be badly wrinkled or cancerized in a couple years. Blonde hair and bikini tops.

We think penguins all dress alike. At least they have an excuse, they are terrible at sewing. Well also it’s just functionality. So then maybe it is the same for the socioeconomic groups on some level.

People here in La Jolla wear more shorts, sandals etc because of the environment. Penguins are black and white because of light/shadows in the water or maybe black to absorb maximum heat. And rich men on the upper east side wear those silly leather shoes with the tassles because they have special money generating properties.

I know CI people tend to dress a like. Is it a functionality issue? Baggy cotton pants for good friction and airflow? Tights/spandex too slippery therefore less control. And Jeans to restrictive plus those rivet things could hurt.

Darwinian evolution of clothes…I am sure that at one time in ancient history the tie had a purpose. Now I am not sure what it is. Tieing(sp?) a random piece of fabric around a random part of your body. Man, that makes you look good.

If you had to reinvent the tie, what shape would the fabric be and where would you attach it to the human body?