Another idea stolen

I was reading the Arts&Leisure section of the NY Sunday Time. ( I do not like that arts are paired with leisure. There is nothing leisurely about them. What about sports? How come Sports get its own section and talk about leisure. Fat men sitting in Lazyboys, reliving their highschool glory watching drug addled millionaires play glorified tiddlywinks ) In that section I saw on page 22 an article about a TV show on Gallery HD, called “ArtStar.” “8 artists jammed together into a SoHo loft for a month.”

a couple years ago I submitted this idea to the Sundance Channel for a TV show, though slightly different. I wanted to have a range of discipline is the same building— painter, musician, welder, dancer, playwright, video artist, all in a large building each with adequate workspace and making work; discussing process/product/issues/questions. I think this could happen in a small midwestern town, where propery is cheap. It would definitely be a boon to that town. Instantly on the map.

The focus of the show would not be dating ( ala Real World) but on the work. So whom do I talk to to make this show happen?
