Drive Through Liqour Stores

I mean, how cool is that? Does that mean people be more likely to drink while driving? I don’t think so. Getting beer into your car is pretty easy otherwise. Just went to one here in Marfa, Tx. El Cheapo the place is called.The one bad thing about a drive through is that you cannot see everything, so you better know what you want to buy. Tequila and Triple Sec for margaritas, tonight.

Last night went go see the local football team play in their Homecoming game. Only went to one football game when I was in highschool. I am confused about the game, it is so #$%#$ slow. Most of the game the players are just standing around. Soccer, or the real football, is a much more active game- just look at which players are in better shape. Had some nachos. Whatever the sauce is, the same lab is churning out that same orange goo. Tasty though!

After the first half of the game we went to a local art gallery,, though is it local as it is not there for the locals, well the locals who are there 2 weeks of the year. One of which I might become if we ever build our place, but I hope to be here for more than 2 weeks a year. Anyways…the two crowds were very different. Clothing, ages, etc different. I wonder how many people feel equally comfortable or drawn to both settings. Both camps can learn from each other.