
Hey, that just reminded me of a freaky Japanese movie called Audition. This guy has a fake audition for a commercial or something. The real purpose of the audition is to find a wife. Then the whole situation turns around and bites him in the ass. I wonder if anyone one has written a dissertation on national character analysis through the lens of the type of movie that tends to come from different nations. Well, violent action movies and the USA. Hmmm….

But just was at an audition for Project Bandaloop. Probably didn’t get it which is fine. But sure was fun!! Flying around bouncing on the wall. I wonder if it would be possible to make a cube of that bouncy wall stuff, suspend it and then bounce around in it. Or make a gigantic jungle gym of different angled surfaces and then bouce down it. kinda like a roller coaster, but no rolling or coasting, just bouncing.

Would be great but the insurance!!! Oy vey