Friday Night Lights

Been watching that show a little bit recently on While eating or making dinner or doing laundry. Can’t take the show seriously. I mean it’s about football. The show is well made, but it’s about football. Watching sports is like watching porn – you are watching someone else have all the fun. And you can quote me on that. If a small town like Dillon exists and I would not be surprised if one does, man that is sad. How pathetic would those people have to be to get so riled up about highschool football? I guess if you have nothing else in your life.

Kinda like people who get so excited about being whatever race they happen to be. Why be so proud of something that you had nothing to do with? It’s not like anyone works to be Italian, or Irish, or Chinese. It’s preselected for you by chance and your parents. be proud of something that you had a hand in. Maybe I am too much of a Euromutt to care what ethnicity I am. Isn’t pride of one’s ethnicity also being glad that one is not another ethnicity? Doesn’t pride of ethnicity then a racist idea?

But back to football…So if it is pathetic to get so excited about highschool football, is it even more pathetic to watch a TV show about highschool football?

Bald Britney

After Britney shaved her head, she went up in my esteem. (is that a phrase? going up in someone’s esteem.) I applauded her decision to do that. Everyone should shave their head at least once in their life. It feels good. Also good to feel the contours of one’s skull. Where do you end and where does the rest of the world begin? But soon after she shaved she covered up her baldness with wigs and hats. She bowed down to the majority opinion that shaving your head is a big deal. It’s not. Hair grows back. I shave my head frequently as part of an effort to stave off real baldness. Not sure it is working. But people always react to a shaved head. “oh, you change your look more than a girl” Guess since I can’t see the change, except when I look in the mirror, which is not often, I forget that it happened. Hair is just something exterior, that is very mutable. Guess my point is that if Britney had embraced her baldness, albeit temporary baldness, she would have gained even more of my respect. But by shying away from it with wigs and hats, she will slowly drift off into the hazy world of has-beens. Keeping the baldness would have helped her stick out give her something to stand for in the bubblegum pop world. How long before she completely disappears from the news, when she can no longer endanger her children blah blah blah…

anyways, true beauty lies within. 😉

Po Mo

So I was at a meeting the other day and at the end of the meeting someone joked about doing something post-modern so that no one had to be good at anything. Why is there that idea about po mo? If it’s po mo I don’t have to be good at whatever I am doing. Definitely seen that at some shows. Saw this group Poni at Sophiensaele in Berlin. Did a lot of performing of things badly. Musicians “dancing”. I wonder if musicians would like it if the dancers picked up their instruments and started jamming.

I would say that there is a confusing of lack of hierarchy with lack of skill. Yes I could change the hierarchy with which I define my ballet skills and say that I am as good as Baryshnikov, but the defined hierarchy for ballet exists and comparing my ballet skills to that, well, pretty sad. lack of hierarchy or relativism does not mean complete rejection of all measurement of value.
