After Britney shaved her head, she went up in my esteem. (is that a phrase? going up in someone’s esteem.) I applauded her decision to do that. Everyone should shave their head at least once in their life. It feels good. Also good to feel the contours of one’s skull. Where do you end and where does the rest of the world begin? But soon after she shaved she covered up her baldness with wigs and hats. She bowed down to the majority opinion that shaving your head is a big deal. It’s not. Hair grows back. I shave my head frequently as part of an effort to stave off real baldness. Not sure it is working. But people always react to a shaved head. “oh, you change your look more than a girl” Guess since I can’t see the change, except when I look in the mirror, which is not often, I forget that it happened. Hair is just something exterior, that is very mutable. Guess my point is that if Britney had embraced her baldness, albeit temporary baldness, she would have gained even more of my respect. But by shying away from it with wigs and hats, she will slowly drift off into the hazy world of has-beens. Keeping the baldness would have helped her stick out give her something to stand for in the bubblegum pop world. How long before she completely disappears from the news, when she can no longer endanger her children blah blah blah…
anyways, true beauty lies within. 😉