The enemy of my enemy is…

who exactly? You’d think that Fatah and Hamas would get along. They are on the

SAME #%$^% SIDE?

Do they really think it’s a good idea to start shooting each other, when they have Israel to deal with. Makes them look like morons. I’ll probably get shot for writing this on my blog that no one reads. At least then I would get my 15 minutes. Better late than never.

Tangent –

was watching Studio 60 today while making lunch. An episode in which one of the cast member’s brothers was taken hostage in Iraq. Before they knew of the kidnapping, his family was worried because they had not heard from him in 48 hours. He at war…how often does he need to check in with his family? Amazing how connected we are to the people fighting the war, but we are so disconnected from the reality and the death we as a culture are creating over in Iraq.

tangent –
he skits on Studio 60, from the snippets you see, are funnier than anything on SNL. Maybe time to switch writers.