3 Women

is a movie by Robert Altman. Filmed in ’73, I think same year I was born. Takes place in a dusty town/area east of LA. The beginning of the film is odd, almost boring. But by the end of the film, I was entranced. Such sad characters, the intense feeling of loneliness, quite a powerful film in that way. I am sure that many people would not like the film, as it sits with you after it is over. And what is sitting with you is not “life affirming” or “heart warming”. But that is the sign of good art, when the film/object/performance creates such a complete feeling/flavor that lasts beyond the immediate viewing. And maybe it is not the experience you were looking for, but one that the artist intended. See this film.

Makes me think of the first time I saw a porn. I was in highschool, junior year I think, still a virgin. Two friends used a fake id and rented a movie from the local video store. Don’t remember the premise but a bunch of women, grapes, beads, etc. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I think for abstinence programs the curriculum should be forcing kids to watch raunchy porn, scare them away from sex for a few years. My point is that although that movie created a strong reaction in me, it was not the one intended. Revulsion instead of arousal. So, I would say that that porn was an artistic failure.

The next movie in our Netflix queue is “The Good Shepherd”.