Unlimited Storage

Now that Yahoo! has unlimited storage are people going to keep all of their emails? Just how much data is that? How many harddrives somewhere in a warehouse, spinning away? And why do you think Yahoo! offers unlimited storage? To compete with Google? Storage now might be so cheap, but I think the reason is more sinister.

Weren’t Google and Yahoo recently cited as not being so nice as they want you to believe?


So…with all of this unlimited space, the government has unlimited data to trawl through finding out who knows whom, who is going where when with whom etc. And with the CIA just releasing all the illegal things they have done in the past 50 years…I am sure 50 years from now the CIA, or Homeland security(or whatever it will be called then – the Office of Peace, Happiness, and Global Safety) will release another report.

Am I being paranoid? You tell me