Test entry by Yahoo! Tech Support

This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. (single enter here)

This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. (double Enter here)

>>> THERE were three spaces between this paragraph and the one previous, just deleted 2 of them. >>>This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry.