So I am tooling around YouTube and came across this style of dancing called “Jumping”. Far as I can tell, it looks like skankin’ to techno. Seems to be mostly done in the Netherlands or Belgium. But then again looks like an evolution of that one move Kid & PLay would do, whacking their ankles together. Guess it is called jumpstyle. Interesting how these things evolve. Duojump, what most people would call a unison duet. Interesting how specialized dance can become. Jumpstyle to me looks like a version of line dancing, just to different music and more time spent in the air. Wonder how those kids knees are going to hold out. Interesting, too, how most of the people in the videos on YouTube are male. Seems like everyone wants to dance. But why does art dance ( for lack of a better term) have such a stigma for men attached to it? I would postulate that dance for many people means graceful, light, and pretty, not hopping and stomping. Well, there was Stomp and that was hugely popular, and stepping certainly is not light and pretty but pretty damn cool. Well, this is turning out to be a half formed idea at 12:45 am. But art dance I think suffers from having an unbalance in the ratio of females to males. “Oh, their dancing like guys.” I remeber hearing that in college. So then is everything else, “the correct way”, dancing like women? Or should men just be marginalized in appropriate male dance forms – jumpstyle and steppin’? Or should men not be afraid to be beautiful, graceful, and pretty. Ha! Too many classes, trying to dance like women. Hmmm…