Learned Phrases for Social Interaction

Yesterday, I was at a friend’s house working in his garage on a bench. The bench is almost done. Won’t turn out as well as I had hoped, but that is another post. The house next to my friend, A.’s house is for sale. As I was grinding the bench, a man approached. Couldn’t hear him as grinding is very loud and I was wearing hear plugs. Turns out he was the real estate agent for the house next door. He wondered if I was the owner of the truck that was in the driveway. Truck belonged to the pool guy, who was fixing A.’s pool. As the agent and I bumbled through the conversation about the truck driveway etc, he mentions the earplugs I was wearing-
“Smart idea to wear those. I used to be in a rock band and should have worn something like than when I was playing”

As the pool guy approached the agent asks him to move his truck and compliments him on his sunglasses. That compliment stuck out to me. Seemed forced, a concerted effort – Oh, now is when I insert a compliment to make this exchange smooth
It was as if the agent had learned a method of exchange with strangers – Engage, add compliment, get what you need. As if he were following a script he learned in a seminar.

Seemed like a dorky guy who somehow ended up in a social line of work. I would guess he is better at the paper work side of his job than the people work side of his job. Hope the seminar was worth the money.