Raccoons in SF

Sunday night, K and I were driving home after participating in a fund raiser for a show of some friends. I was the MC, meaning I drank a lot and tried to get people to laugh. Well also introduced the acts and K and I did some recreations of Allan Kaprow’s work.

Anyways, we were on Folsom and 6th or there abouts at the light in the right lane. 11 p.m. @ night A racoon sprints across the intersection. Shock, surprise…a taxi comes up the street and generously rounds the corner hitting the racoon with both right side tires. Somehow the racoon survived. Waddled, scrambled of the street to hide underneath a parked car.

What are you supposed to do in that situation? Is there someone to call to help the damaged animal? Animal control? Human Society?

Made me think of the frozen burgers in our ‘fridge? Made me think of the time my dog Blackie was run over and died. Made me hate cities and cars. Why are national parks enclosed and roped off? It should be the other way around. Cities, places of human habitat should be sequestered and scrunched together in “national parks” As the human population becomes more urban hopefully that will happen. Restricted zones where we can build, kinda like Portland.

I wonder how long the raccoon lived.