Bush is at fault

I am tired of hearing how Bush is at fault for all of our country’s problem.

“Bush’s policies, Bush is stoopid, Bush this, Bush that.” Blah blah blah.

Yes, I agree Bush has been a terrible president. Anyone with half a luke warm cerebellum knows that. But how did he get there? Is Bush at fault or are all the people who voted for him at fault?

We are letting all those people who put him in office, who gave him the power to do what he has done, letting them off too easy. What about all those people who voted against Kerry because he was a flip-flopper? What about all those people who were so gung-ho for Bush and his accomplished missions?

Those people are the real causes of this deficit, this war, this financial crisis due to deregulation. Those folks got him into office. By blaming all this on Bush, we let ourselves off the hook. It absolves us of the real guilt. We all are at fault for the situation we are in – half of us for voting for him and the other half for not raising enough Hell, for all the shit he has pulled.


everything is a Rorschach test