Shouldn’t the punishment fit the crime?

“Israel is in “all-out war” with Hamas, the nation’s defense minister said Monday as Israeli jets continued to hammer targets in Gaza and the Palestinian death toll reportedly topped 300.

“The attacks also have wounded about 650 people, the sources said.”

“One of the strikes killed an Israeli at a construction site in Ashkelon, 6 miles (10 kilometers) north of Gaza, and wounded eight others, a hospital spokeswoman said. The Israeli fatality is the second since the airstrikes began Saturday.

“An Israeli strike early Monday hit the Jabalya refugee camp, leaving five children dead in a home that was damaged when a nearby mosque was hit, said Dr. Mu’awiya Hassanein. The Israeli military had no immediate comment.

excerpts from an article by CNN

Hamas, in its idiocy, shoots rockets at Israel and kills one person. Israel, in its over-adrenalized fedupness (if that is a word), bombs the piss out of Gaza killing hundreds, children included.

Going by the numbers, Palestine kills 2 and Israel kills 300. Overkill, no?

But why did Hamas think that shooting rockets at Israel was a good idea? Did they expect this time to be different?

Idiots, the lot of them.

Lying to ourselves

Under Unesco standards, a country can be declared free of illiteracy if 96% of its population over the age of 15 can read and write.

Is someone HIV free if 96% of the virus is gone?

Does a country have no unemployment if 4% of the population is unemployed?


Choreography –

c.1789, from Fr. chorégraphie, coined from Gk. khoreia “dance” + graphein “to write.” Choreograph (v.) is from 1943.

If this is true then Laban was the first (and only?) choreographer.

An interesting scene

“Three blind men, each one as old and bent as a caricature of Father Time, move slowly up the street where foreigners’ hotels are concentrated. Each one holds a corner of an undyed cotton sheet. A small, sighted boy, about 6, holds the front corner in one hand, pulling them along; in the other hand, the boy holds up a kerosene lantern. The old men are singing an unearthly melody, words I don’t understand. Passers-by toss coins into the cloth.”

jewel heist

I’d wear a dress for that kind of money.

Four armed robbers — two of them men disguised as women — walked into a luxury jewelry store in Paris and swiped an estimated €80 million (U.S. $101 million) in jewels, the Paris prosecutor’s office said.

Makes you wonder though if this was some kind of an inside job – >

“The same shop was robbed of millions of euros worth of jewelry just 14 months ago, in October 2007.”

Also makes you wonder why the robbers felt the need to wear dresses. How did that figure into the plan? Maybe shock and awe? Maybe we should have gone into Iraq with an army in drag and the whole mess would already be cleaned up. Never underestimate the power of a good outfit.