X-men 3

OK, OK, who is the moron that writes these scripts?

I mean you get the Leech kid stick him near Jean Grey and whammo problem solved. She’s not so incontrollable/psycho. She is then just another pretty face.

Kinda like in the second one (in that there was an easy solution but it is not taken to drive the story forward), when all the water is rushing down from the burst dam and Ice Boy just sits there. Hello Moron freeze the water. And maybe he was young and not that strong but he could have frozen some of it around Jean and then get her out.

I know, I know, you’re saying that Jean had to die for the next one could be made. But couldn’t they, the writers, have made her die in a more inevitable fashion. Such silly problems (if that is the right word) are irritating as a viewer

Also if she calls herself Pheonix, why cry when you kill her?

The Pheonix will rise again…God, I love franchises…