Lake Merritt Wildlife

Lake Merritt is kinda scary. Walking home from BART today by the lake, and saw something moving in it. At first I thought it was a cigarette but being moved by the wind, but then it repeated changed directions. Maybe it is a tadpole- I thought. But it was to colorful to be a tadpole, at least like any one I have ever seen.

The larger hind section was pinkish and rotated around its long axis. The front shorter end was whitish and round. It swirled aimlessly, up and down until it hit the wall and stuck in the algae, feasting it looked like.

I wonder what weirdness lurks at the bottom of our local cesspool, mutated by years of exposure to oil, antifreeze, Cheetos and Gatorade bottles. Is it steril due to birthcontrol hormones washing down drains or overgrown?

Oh, I think the people upstairs are having sex again!