Friends with Money

Don’t bother to see it. waste of two hours. Can I get them back? Sex scenes but no sex. And bad acting on the part of Scott Caan not wanting to look at Jennifer Aniston during sex. R rated for pot smoking and swearing. At least it wasn’t a PG-13. There are too many PG-13 movies. No one has the balls to make a real R rated movie. Everyone wants to appeal to the Wal-Mart red state crowd. Too many pg13s is another sign of how dull and spiceless we are becoming as a whole. Stay in the middle, don’t stick out. Be bland, be fat white and bland. Don’t really have a good time. Just try to not have a bad time.

Why are so many movies made like this? —Oh we are all messed up and we are not really friends but everything will work out. Life is good in the end. What i want to see is a movie that is cheesy and bland for the first 75% and then everyone dies in the end. Kinda like if they took that terrible movie Steve Martin was in when he had 12 kids and have an ending where the house burns down and everyone dies. OR he loses his job and kills himself and the whole family. That would be interesting, kinda like an alternative ending in the special features on the DVD.