Road Kill

While driving out to Marfa from El Paso, I hit a couple animals. One was a rabbit and the other I think was a badger. It definitely made a larger sound that the rabbit. The rabbit ran right out in the road. Are they attracted to the light? Is it a hazing ritual for a leporidian fraternity? well anyways, neither of those animals’ genes got passed on to the next generation. Unless they already mated. But it got me thinking-how come I don’t feel bad when I eat a chicken or a can of tuna? Is it because I am not directly involved with the killing of the animal? It has become so sanitized, wrapped in plastic or in a can, no blood and guts? People should have to kill the meat they eat, at least once. It would make them appreciate it.

There should be meat licenses. Only after you show that you have the ability to catch/raise, kill and clean a type of meat, are you then awarded the “license” to eat that kind of meat. A license to kill, if you will.

The amount of meat eaten would just plummet. Yes, I know…one more thing to regulate and enforce. Not that I think those licenses should really exist, but people should appreciate where it comes from more.