Boring post

Good day yesterday at Mills. Taking with Kelly and Nina about some text I am working on for a work in progress show in January. The text is to be played over speakers while the performer just stands there. The text is to create lenses for the viewer to view the piece through.

I mean, when someone watches a performance, anything, a basketball game, that person brings all sorts of lenses to a performance. What colors s/he likes, kind of movements, what team, people, etc. There are so many, it is almost impossible to view the work in the same way that the artist does. At least an artist of any merit. A work could be made to appeal to most number of people but then you get television. Or television is made, most television, not to appeal to the most number of people, but to offend the fewest number of people.

Talking with the two of them lead me/us to not going to yoga. Stimulating conversation lead to the desire for more stimulating conversation. So I called some friends to see if they wanted to meet us at La Piñata #3 in Alameda for happy hour.

Oh…too great of a tangent