Rumsfeld is out

Rumsfeld’s out! Rumsfeld’s out!

He is the fall guy. He’s the fall guy. Taking the heat for the rest of the team. Now Dem’s think something has happened. They’re gonna let their guard down. That is the plan.

Now there is going to be grid lock in Congress. Instead of bad things spewing from Congress, nothing will. At least here constipation is a good thing.

Congress won’t be able to get a veto override with the Senate so close, if they even get the Senate. And I doubt many Republicans will cross the aisle to override Bush’s veto. They’re too scared of losing their futures in the G.O.P. to do what is right. That is something I have never understood- politicians doing the wrong thing just so that they can stay in office. If they justify it by thinking that by staying in they can eventually do some good, they just then have to stay to correct the wrongs they did stay in. A zero sum game.

And remember this- IF YOU DIDN”T VOTE, DON’T COMPLAIN!