Scarlett Johansson

is a terrible actress. Just watched “Scoop” last night by Woody Allen. And okay he was not at the top of his game when he wrote that one but Scarlett. Yeow, that was a painful performance to watch. She was acting so hard, giving it everything she had each line. You could almost see her thinking what to do next, how to touch her glasses, how to smirk and shrug her shoulders. She does not appear to be comfortable on camera. She was not enough of a foil for Woody so his performance wasn’t as sharp as it could have been. Though he was great when being Splendini, and card tricks at the parties.

Woody, Woody, Woody, we know she gives you a woody, but that doesn’t mean she should be in your film. At least then dress her in skimpier stuff. Nice T and A, but her torso is a bit short to really accent them.

This film did not have the pithy questions and lines about life that are throughout his other films. I guess that by know in his advanced years her has the answers now or stopped asking them. “Tell funnier jokes” the alien advises him in Stardust Memories. This one didn’t really have them.