Sweater vs. Heater

I was in class today, large dance studio. Kind of a cold day, for the Bay Area, so the studio was cold. Another dancer in class asked if it was possible to turn on the heat. Considering the size of the room and the strength of most heater, by the time the room was warm class would have been over. She had another layer to put on, but that was not her initial thought.

Maybe I am stereotyping here, but I am guessing that a dancer in the Bay Area is a more liberal person informed on current events, global warming and green house gases. A sweater produces less CO2 than a heater, yet the idea of putting on a sweater, came after the thought of turning on the heat.

Reminds me of the time I was at a friends house. We were in the backyard barbequeing burgers, talking about the sustainability of the American lifestyle. As we walked inside, I saw his wife turn on the heat instead of putting on a sweater. Oh the sustainable lifestyle.

As for me, I am going to go back to watching a DVD on my laptop and eat some ice cream.