
First Fridays took place or is taking place right now in Oakland. Saw a bunch of work. Most of it didn’t hit me. But liked some paintings and sculptures by Michael Meyers in the Johansson Projects gallery. The paintings were of trucks, reminded me of a video I made a while ago, part of the Half Breed series. Hmm…thought it was on my site but guess not. What was the point of this entry? Not sure. Well after seeing a lot of work, I think 5 galleries, and didn’t recognize anyone. Funny how the dance world and “visual” art world don’t seem to be connected. Dance is a visual art. Kinda useless to the audience if they are blind. But after seeing work and not liking most of it, made me want to put more of an effort into getting my video work out there. Packing it well and sending it out.

Packaging I thought of involves climbing rope, magnets and Fritos. Looking for magnets online led me to a cool page. I’ve got 8 magnets coming my way.
