Yesterday*, or was it the day before?, K and I went to the AT&T store near us to get a hands free device to comply with the law that will be coming into effect July 1st. Being the law abiding citizens that we are, we want to comply. So we purchased two of those clip on blue tooth hand free gizmos. Went home charged it up, synced it with the phone. Carried it around with me. After returning home, I promptly put it back in the box and returned both the devices today.
Returning them in SF cost me 20 cents as the sales tax is greater in Oakland than in SF by .25% Go figure. Maybe lower taxes really do stimulate the economy. Ha ha ha.
I must say those blue tooth things are lame…one more thing to keep track of, one more thing to charge, one more thing to lose and have to buy again. And I question the findings that people who talk on phones are as bad as drunk drivers. I mean, will the hands-free devices enable people to drive better? They will still be engrossed in a conversation with someone who is in another location. And as for the argument that hands-free will prevent people from looking at their phones and pushing buttons while they drive…the radio!! Hello, who doesn’t look at the radio while driving or the A/C, pushing buttons and not paying attention to the road.
I think it’s just a scam foisted upon us by phone company lobbyists so that we have to buy more s#$t.
Reminds me of the switch to digital TV broadcasting.
“What is the TV Converter Box Coupon Program?Congress created the TV Converter Box Coupon Program for households wishing to keep using their analog TV sets after February 17, 2009. The Program allows U.S. households to obtain up to two coupons, each worth $40, that can be applied toward the cost of eligible converter boxes.“
Why are we wasting tax payer money on coupons for people to convert their TVs? TV is not a right, it is a privilege. Maybe if people watched fewer hours of TV, they wouldn’t be so fat. Less of a drain on health care.
I guess what it comes down to is that I do not want to have my tax dollars going to coupons so people can buy TVs.
*if there is a yesterday, is there a noterday?