a specific art
Dance is indeed, as Wass holds, a specific art, but not because of some single element unique to it; rather, it is specific in its functional ensemble, an ensemble that is, inevitably, organized around movement and the application of movement.
the original text:
Painting is indeed, as Greenberg held, a specific art, but not because of some single element unique to it; rather, it is specific in its functional ensemble, an ensemble that is, inevitably, organized around paint and the application of paint.
– Henry Staten, Techne Theory: A New Language for Art
anagram # 253
Genius + Techne
the noetic cycle
Self Expression
The term proprioception is derived from two words, proprious from Latin, meaning “one’s own” and perception. It was first used by Charles Sherrington, an English neurophysiologist. He described proprioception as “the perception of joint and body movement”
How is this different than somatic?
“The point of movement scores/improvising and subsequent discussion is to compel students to make specific aesthetic choices and then to gain consciousness both of the particular choices they have made and the reasons why they (or someone else) might make a similar or different choice.”
The original text below:
“The point of compositional prompts and subsequent discussion is to compel students to make specific aesthetic choices and then to gain consciousness both of the particular choices they have made and the reasons why they (or someone else) might make a similar or different choice.” (205)
Larry Lavender Predock-Linnell & Jennifer Predock-Linnell (2001) From Improvisation to Choreography: The critical bridge, Research in Dance Education, 2:2, 195-209