Maybe he knew playing with matches is wrong. Maybe his parents had told him before this fire that matches are not toys. But he should not be “[removed] from his home and [possibly detained] as a ward of the state.” That is just going to #@#$ him over. How many people go through state systems – foster care, jail – and end up the better for it?

Cyndi Jo Means, a deputy district attorney in nearby San Diego County, says that,” Any finding of guilt… would not follow the boy into adulthood.” Yeah, right. Legally, maybe, but socially…screwed. He’d never get a job at a gas station (but then again who wants a job at a gas station?). People will definitely think twice about him, and not in a good way, when they find out about his fire history.

Why are people building way out there? It is terrible city planning. Massive sprawls of cookie cutter houses. Making houses further and further away harder for firemen to reach.

Instead of ugly stucco McMushroomMansions, high rises should be built. Make it 4o stories. 4 living spaces per floor, the cardinal directions. Thing of the views people would have. And then gardens would be around the high rise, acting as a buffer. There wouldn’t be miles and miles of roads, adding to global warming. Just think of how much smaller our eco footprint would be if we built like as opposed to having so many houses.

Come to think of it, he will be completely forgotten, the fires and destruction will be completely forgotten. The warnings, the anger, loss of life an property will be forgotten. And the people who were so angry will rebuild in the same exact places that are dry and fire prone and not maintain fire buffers. Maybe having your house burn down is how you pay the piper when you build in that area.

Steve Martin

Finished an article in the recent New Yorker, the one with the Jack O’Lantern that looks like Cheney on the cover. The article, written by Steve Martin, is about his start in comedy. A sentence struck me-
“…there is no harm in charging oneself up with delusions between moments of valid inspiration.”

Also something from the article about the Animal Collective by Sasha Frere-Jones –
“…imperfection is necessarily part of the process.”

(damn, they have a myspace page. I do not like myspace. It is ugly)

Jerry Seinfeld…an ass?

Seinfeld was recently on Larry King Live. King asked if Seinfeld might have been cancelled. Jerry got a little hot under the collar. Was it too much just to say,” No, the show was not cancelled.” and move on? Why did Jerry go on and on about it? (trying to dominate Larry King, show who is alpha) Is that a sore topic for him? King didn’t ask the question in a mean way, or anything. Is Seinfeld worried that he is a has-been? Is he worried that he will be forgotten?

Relax, Jerry. Your star in the ephemeral sphere of pop culture is cemented.

Should Al Gore become a Vegan?

Al Gore is a huge, if not the biggest, champion of the fight against global warming. He did get the Nobel Peace Prize for his actions As the U.N. has stated “Raising animals for food, the report said, is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems…” To read more about it download this pdf.
So my question, raised by a video I watched on Youtube, is Al Gore a hypocrite if he is not a vegan or at least a vegetarian? Or has he raised enough awareness and caused enough people to shrink their carbon footprint enough to offset his meat diet?

Dumbledore is gay

Who the #%@%#!@# cares if a fictional character (that might as well be asexual cuz the books are not about his love life) is gay ? Can you say free press? J.K. Rowling is probably worried that she is fading out of the limelight, well is she? I have no idea. I read the first book, thought it was okay and tried the second, but thought it was complete crap, so never finished it.

But dropping a “bomb” like this on the public seems like a way to get people all abuzz about the books again without having to write another one. Maybe there is a kid somewhere who hasn’t bought all the Potter books yet and this stunt is a way to squeeze a few more dollars out. This lady must be loaded. Isn’t the series over, yet? Are they going to be able to finish all the movies before the actors start having kids? Aren’t the actors already pushing their age range?

San Diego Fires

Sounds like Southern California is burning up again. 250,000 people had to evacuate. Some people stayed behind even though they were told to evacuate-
“Firefighters — who lost valuable time trying to persuade stubborn homeowners to leave…Firefighters complained that their efforts to stop the flames were delayed when they were confronted by people who refused to leave their homes. ‘They didn’t evacuate at all, or delayed until it was too late,’ said Bill Metcalf, a fire boss. ‘And those folks who are making those decisions are actually stripping fire resources.’

I say if you have been told to evacuate and you don’t that you are on your own. Why should your stubbornness get in the way of firefighters doing their job? Let dumb asses burn. Darwin rides again.
Similar to the people whose houses several years ago burned down in SD county. They didn’t want to put up sprinklers as the county wanted them to. They didn’t because it cost too much. Then fires come and burn their houses down. If they had spent the $5000 or whatever, they could have saved themselves, the city, the fire department a lot of trouble. (I can’t find an article on that, so if anyone finds one please tell me.)

Maybe harsh, but if you’ve been warned…
I know something about fires. The house I lived in that my great-grandfather built burnt down when I was in highschool. No one died, but we lost the house and most everything in it.

Contemporary dance

Well, I guess there is a definition of contemporary dance. Not sure how reliable that definition is and not sure how good of a term “contemporary dance” is. Definitions that are related to time are tricky. What is after contemporary? Post contemporary? People should drop the time aspect and give dance a name that explains what it is. Contemporary doesn’t define anything but time – when it happens/happened. In the definition yoga is part of contemporary dance and yoga is 5000 years old. Yes, it is just one of the things drawn upon. Contemporary dance, maybe should be called “and the kitchen sink dance” because everything is fair game.

How many of those things does one need to incorporate to be a contemporary dancer? If I just use Horton, Hawkins, Cunningham and Humphrey does that make me contemporary? No! Cunningham is the most recent and he hasn’t been contemporary since the 60’s. Okay, they used Ipods. Making a man a priest makes him neither celibate nor honest.

Couldn’t someone use tap and be “contemporary”? Or how about square dancing? Is that not contemporary? I am sure people are creating new square dances all the time. And ballet? New balletic movement is created all the time. Not sure how long it takes before some moves join the canon of ballet.

This definition is another instance of people valuing the tool over the logic or aesthetic. Dance is so much more than techniques about the body. Dance is the art form that uses the body to address various logics (stories, topics). The more I think about the term “contemporary” the more I dislike it. I have contempt for contemporary. Vague, vague, vague.

“What kind of dance do you do?”
“Oh, I do ‘of the present time’ dancing.”

Labels, labels, labels…we do need them.