I’d take ketchup.
Fruit, Fat, and Protein

We had some friends, J + S, over this evening. Drinking wine, talk about art, eating cheese. Good times, but now that I write that it sounds like a Starbucks commercial or something. At least there was no soundtrack from Starbucks playing. If you are buying your CDs from Starbucks, something is wrong with your life. Talked a lot about an article in In Dance the monthly newsletter from Dancers’ Group– How Freedom is Killing My Creativity. More about that later, hoping to get off my duff and write a response to that article.
But to return to the title of this posting – Fruit, Fat and Protein. Or Sugar, Fat, and Protein, the three simplest building blocks of food. There is so much more to food as we, as an obese malnurished species, are learning. (Read Omnivore’s Dilemma for more about that and NPK and micronutrients). The culinary highlight of the evening was figs, prosciutto, and chevre. Cut the figs in half, broil them. Top with chevre and prosciutto. Also did the same with dates, medjool dates of course. Noor dates are no good. The bellam pepato cheese(I think that was the name) was pretty good, too.
*do not look at post modernism through a modern/classical lens. Well, if you do, be aware of the lens. See attached photo
lost in translation?

Cheeseburger CO2 output
“ the greenhouse gas emissions arising every year from the production and consumption of cheeseburgers is roughly the amount emitted by 6.5 million to 19.6 million SUVs.”
from here
President Bush had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

“Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit,” Bush said to Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
Talking about Howard’s visit to Iraq last year to thank his country’s soldiers serving there, Bush called them “Austrian troops.”
Somehow this is related, this being Bush’s lack of geographic knowledge, to Miss South Carolina. Similar symptom of American ignorance. Or maybe Bush really thought he was in Austria, who knows? He certainly doesn’t seem to.
Dance helps tame the savage beast
Mother Teresa

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3
Saw this photo on BBC
Contradiction? But then again most Christians ignore Exodus 20:4 also – You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Hmm…but if anyone had ever followed that commandment, Rome and everwhere else filled with religious icons would be empty of art.
“Nearly 9 percent of American children have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but only 32 percent of them are getting the medication they need.”
“Watching television more than two hours a day early in life can lead to attention problems later in adolescence, according to a study released on Tuesday…”Those who watched more than two hours, and particularly those who watched more than three hours, of television per day during childhood had above-average symptoms of attention problems in adolescence…”
I’ll bet the two are related. Sure, not every kid who watched TV when younger ends up with ADHD or ADD, but probably the more suseptible kids did end up with attention disorders. But prevention is not the American Way. There is no money in prevention. Eli Lily and Pfizer make too much money from these meds to want to prevent more kids from watching too much TV. Big Pharma has a vested interest in creating more hyperactive kids.
“It’s hard to legislate morality; you can’t really do that. It just comes to a point of plain old bad taste and it’s just gotta stop.”
The more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws. ~Tacitus
The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be. ~Lao-tzu