Senator Larry Craig


From Yahoo! news-
‘His account contrasted sharply with the complaint in the case, in which an undercover officer said that Craig, while occupying a stall in the men’s room, engaged in actions “often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct.”‘

So another Republican has been outed as a homosexual. Is the Republican Party really just filled with gays who hate paying taxes? Is that what really binds them together?

How does one communicate a “desire” in a stall?

-Morse code?

-“Excuse me do you have any Grey Poupon?”

-Banging on the door and yelling “Fuck me!”

-dropping your TP and letting it roll into the next stall “oh, funny meeting you here…”

Why can’t that side of the aisle just shout out – Hooray we’re gay, let’s get over it -?

Test entry by Yahoo! Tech Support

This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. (single enter here)

This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. (double Enter here)

>>> THERE were three spaces between this paragraph and the one previous, just deleted 2 of them. >>>This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry. This is a test blog entry by Yahoo! Tesch Support. This is only a test, If this had not been a test, you would not be seeing this entry.

Age of Love

DUMBDUMBWhoever created that show should be shot..UMBDUMB
DUMBWhoever watches it should be ashamed..BDUMBDUMBDUMB


Drove to El Paso and back today. As with driving in other desert environments, J- Tree etc., bunnies frequently jump into the road. Suicide bunnies. Bunnies on a dare. Just plain dumb donkey bunnies. Caught in the headlights.

I think the real reason is much more nefarious. The bunnies and other animals that jump into the road and frequently are run over are on a mission. The mission is to kill humans by causing them to swerve and flip their automobiles. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t.

Might not be the best plan, the best way to rid bunnydom of humans. But after all they are just dumb donkey bunnies.

Non ultra Joy

Saw that dish soap today at a friend’s house. Why wouldn’t it be just advertised as Joy? Seems worse than regular Joy, this non ultra Joy.

How are you?

I am well. And you?

Oh, I am experiencing non Ultra Joy. Just plain old bliss, nothing special.

Ron White

Just watched him on The dude is not very funny. Maybe if I drank as much as he did, I would find him funny. Not that I never laughed as I was watching him, but he seemed more like a funny uncle or friend of the family, who would hold forth after dinner. First heard about him in an article in the New Yorker (talk about a different market) about the Blue Collar Comedy tour or whatever it was called. Ron White didn’t want to be part of Blue Collar TV series as he did not want to be typecast as “blue collar”. It’s going to take more than black suits and cheap scotch to not be typecast as blue collar.

Post Modern Shoe

Yesterday I was at Sears with Kelly and her grandmother. Betty needed some shoes for working out. 94 years old and going to the gym! While browsing the racks(Sears was a complete mess at 7 pm on a Sunday. No one puts anything back in the right place.) I saw a shoe made by Skechers. The tread and the materials of the upper were just like those of a tennis or running shoe. But the cut and shape was that of a dress shoe, a ballet flat it could be called. The hierarchy has fallen. Certain materials are no longer just for certain functions of shoe. But could you have a running shoe with a leather sole?

I am waiting for the denim tuxedo.

Pope Benedict lifts ban on Latin Mass

Not sure why so many Catholics want to have Mass said in Latin again. I would guess they really don’t want to understand what the priest is saying.

Be Enticed, Pop

Pop Been Cited

Been Tepid Cop

Bent Iced Pope

Unlimited Storage

Now that Yahoo! has unlimited storage are people going to keep all of their emails? Just how much data is that? How many harddrives somewhere in a warehouse, spinning away? And why do you think Yahoo! offers unlimited storage? To compete with Google? Storage now might be so cheap, but I think the reason is more sinister.

Weren’t Google and Yahoo recently cited as not being so nice as they want you to believe?

So…with all of this unlimited space, the government has unlimited data to trawl through finding out who knows whom, who is going where when with whom etc. And with the CIA just releasing all the illegal things they have done in the past 50 years…I am sure 50 years from now the CIA, or Homeland security(or whatever it will be called then – the Office of Peace, Happiness, and Global Safety) will release another report.

Am I being paranoid? You tell me

3 Women

is a movie by Robert Altman. Filmed in ’73, I think same year I was born. Takes place in a dusty town/area east of LA. The beginning of the film is odd, almost boring. But by the end of the film, I was entranced. Such sad characters, the intense feeling of loneliness, quite a powerful film in that way. I am sure that many people would not like the film, as it sits with you after it is over. And what is sitting with you is not “life affirming” or “heart warming”. But that is the sign of good art, when the film/object/performance creates such a complete feeling/flavor that lasts beyond the immediate viewing. And maybe it is not the experience you were looking for, but one that the artist intended. See this film.

Makes me think of the first time I saw a porn. I was in highschool, junior year I think, still a virgin. Two friends used a fake id and rented a movie from the local video store. Don’t remember the premise but a bunch of women, grapes, beads, etc. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I think for abstinence programs the curriculum should be forcing kids to watch raunchy porn, scare them away from sex for a few years. My point is that although that movie created a strong reaction in me, it was not the one intended. Revulsion instead of arousal. So, I would say that that porn was an artistic failure.

The next movie in our Netflix queue is “The Good Shepherd”.