the philosophy of movement
anyways, true beauty lies within. 😉
I would say that there is a confusing of lack of hierarchy with lack of skill. Yes I could change the hierarchy with which I define my ballet skills and say that I am as good as Baryshnikov, but the defined hierarchy for ballet exists and comparing my ballet skills to that, well, pretty sad. lack of hierarchy or relativism does not mean complete rejection of all measurement of value.
But hanging clothes to dry, such visceral satisfaction. Why pay for something when it can happen for free. Also nice is to see the pile of laundry go down slowly. Is part of the reason the USA uses so much more energy because we do much more laundry? How many times to you wear a shirt before washing it? how about underwear or socks? Why do you or do you use the dryer?
The less you use the dryer the longer your clothes will last. Think about the lint. That is just money in the garbage. You paid for that lint when it was still part of your shirt or whatever before you stuck it in the dryer, so why throw it away?
Dryers and billboards should be banned. Just think about how much nicer cities would look if there were no billboards. Take a moment right now to think about it. No, I mean it really. Take a deep breath look away from the computer and think about a billboard free environment.
Okay, look back now.
Nice wasn’t it.
Kinda like Vermont.
Maybe I am stereotyping here, but I am guessing that a dancer in the Bay Area is a more liberal person informed on current events, global warming and green house gases. A sweater produces less CO2 than a heater, yet the idea of putting on a sweater, came after the thought of turning on the heat.
Reminds me of the time I was at a friends house. We were in the backyard barbequeing burgers, talking about the sustainability of the American lifestyle. As we walked inside, I saw his wife turn on the heat instead of putting on a sweater. Oh the sustainable lifestyle.
As for me, I am going to go back to watching a DVD on my laptop and eat some ice cream.
Do not judge a book by its cover.
yesterday had half a pot brownie and walked over to the Grand Lake Theater to see Ghost Rider. That movie was tongue in cheek. Either that or a Republican propaganda film. Are there really those fallen angels that represent the element, air, water, and earth? Is that how Christianity dealt with paganism? Take the Tree for X-mas, a bunny for Easter and then cast everything else away?
Contact on the other hand, gets me into my conscious thinking brain. After a long session of contact I tend to sit still and just think. The less I think in my contact, the better the dance( in some sense), the more I think later. I really noticed this dutring the workshop I took last week with Martin Keogh. After day two, I was sitting at home reading. Well, actually not reading but sitting on the couch holding a magazine, staring at it, but thinking intensely, about all the sensations I had experienced, the rolls, spirals and pathways. That is where the thinking starts and then off into….