Apply to get produced

Am currently in the midst of putting stuff together to send to various theaters to get produced. Kind of a pain.

Here is my brilliant idea-

Send the DVD with an email address to the theater. They watch it and then email you back.

Why all the letters of intent, resumes, cards?

The work is the work

fuck the details

The Solution to Iraq

So it’s like a triangle of violence. The Shias hate the Sunnis. The Sunnis hate the Shias. And both of them hate the Americans. The Americans are there to stop the voilence between the Shia and the Sunni. The sooner they calm down, the sooner the Americans will leave.

So if the Sunnis and the Shia agree to a cease fire till the Americans leave and then wait a little bit after the Americans leave, they can then get back to the business of killing each other without interference by the Americans.

Marfa, Tx

Back here in Marfa with the architects, Rinehart-Herbst. Looking at houses around town. forgot my sunglasses and hat. Not as cold I we thought it would be here but sunnier. Supposed to be overcast the whole time. Then again the forecast here changes every 40 minutes.

Staying at the Thunderbird Hotel. Pretty nice, has an iLife speaker setup or is it called iHome. Either way don’t have an iPod. They still don’t have a radio. I wish some celebrity would complain that the iPod has no radio. I’ve written Apple several times, but no response. Definitely think writing about it in my Blog will change things.

Tried setting up a blog with Blogger. Hoping that would be more user friendly. Yahoo! still hasn’t responded to my beef with how many steps I have to go through to get to post a blog with their set up. Irritating, no one listens to Andrew. Wonder if Amazon sells that book? or could that sentence be a command?

Wonder if Amazon sells that book.

Well, did you? If I write it and you read it you will think it.

Link my page to your page. Read my blog.

And then on Blogger someone already has the Who the hell is it? I know of no other wasswasswass. Maybe it was I, trying a while ago to set it up and forgot the passwords.

Blog blog blog blah blog blog blah blah blah blog blah blah blog blog whine whine blog blah blog blog blah.

Nothin’ much…at least that is what Drive Genius is…

Nothing much happened today. Had rehearsal with Mr. Wells and company. Seems like dance groups that say “& dancers” or “&company” do not have a set group of people that they work with all the time. Guess those phrases are a substitute for I make a lot of work but can’t pay enough to keep people around for a long time.

Tough in this art form…

After rehearsal, went to the Apple store and bought Drive Genius. More like DRIVE IMBECILE. On my desktop, it crashed when I tried to register it. You’d think companies would try to make it easy to register their software, so you don’t limewire it for FREE. And then starting it by holding down “c” took so $@@$#@!! long on my laptop ( even longer on my desktop, I thought it was a bum disk). So my laptop is now optimized and has no bad blocks etc.
Then made it to the jam in Berkeley. a lot of people there. was nice. Danced pretty much non stop when I was there. Nice to listen to the ebb and flow of volume and experience the light fading. I was kind of bummed when people turned the lights on. “Dancing in the dark”
I guess to do a Po Mo dance form well, you have to have a Po Mo view of your body. All parts are places to roll, become shelves, become handles. Well maybe not all but most. Lifting someone by his nuts might not be so good.
The moral of the story…don’t get Drive Genius, or at least don’t pay for it.


mmmm…well for the past I do not know how long I have been trying to finish up several dvds that I have been working on for the past couple years. Get them squared away, the video_ts files on the new drive and then dump all the media, render files, capture scratch etc.

Thought I was done with CUBIC. Then I watched one of them, the first half second of Park2 of one of the shots was bungled. Didn’t chop it properly. The beginning, such a minute part. But if you’re going to do it, do it correctly, right? Can’t wait to have it done with. Like starting a new chapter. or a new book.

Feel as if the ideas within those DVDs (aeiou, Here&Now, IYWSHWSG, etc) though I still love them, are excess baggage in a way. Time to remove them from my consciousness and move on. Sometimes ideas sit in my head for a while, some for too long and then the creation of the physical object is a purging of the idea. Some ideas I do not want to create the thing for them as the idea is too much fun to think about.

Thinking about something is frequently more enjoyable than seeing/hearing/ it. My favorite part of a movie is the time before it starts, the anticipation.

Render, render, render off to render we go….


Is just about the coolest city ever! Been here for about 1.5 weeks, getting our apartment together. One thing we don’t have is interet access at our place yet, so have to go smoky interet cafes. No need to drive and therefore no need for parking. After I got a hair cut the other day, while walking home got a Chicken Doner and a beer. Can’t swing a stick here without hitting Americans. We are §$&”§%”! everywhere, which kinda sucks. Guess I am part of the problem th0ugh. Unless somehow I become part of the solution…cool place except for the smoke…

Scarlett Johansson

is a terrible actress. Just watched “Scoop” last night by Woody Allen. And okay he was not at the top of his game when he wrote that one but Scarlett. Yeow, that was a painful performance to watch. She was acting so hard, giving it everything she had each line. You could almost see her thinking what to do next, how to touch her glasses, how to smirk and shrug her shoulders. She does not appear to be comfortable on camera. She was not enough of a foil for Woody so his performance wasn’t as sharp as it could have been. Though he was great when being Splendini, and card tricks at the parties.

Woody, Woody, Woody, we know she gives you a woody, but that doesn’t mean she should be in your film. At least then dress her in skimpier stuff. Nice T and A, but her torso is a bit short to really accent them.

This film did not have the pithy questions and lines about life that are throughout his other films. I guess that by know in his advanced years her has the answers now or stopped asking them. “Tell funnier jokes” the alien advises him in Stardust Memories. This one didn’t really have them.


I was just reading the NY Times book review from this past Sunday. In it the name of the reviewer is given as is the name of the last book the person wrote. If not a book then what publication that person writes for, edits etc. When reading dance reviews, I don’t see the authors’ names attached to any previous production.

Is there a different standard between the art forms? Are dancers not reviewing each others work? Are dancers not able to review each others work? Would I rather have a dancer review my work than a non dancer? Well, hell, at this point I would want anyone to review my work…

Saddam’s Execution

here is a video of it.

What does it mean that someone used a cellphone to film the execution of a deposed despot? My first question was – is this real? Do I need to see this? People used to watch executions in town squares, no? Now those town squares are online.

What kind of shit storm is awaiting us? Won’t Saddam just become a martyr? As Obi-Wan said to Vader- if you kill me, it will only make me stronger (okay, not the exact words, whatever, haven’t seen the movie in a while, and last time, I was stoned)