Drive Through Liqour Stores

I mean, how cool is that? Does that mean people be more likely to drink while driving? I don’t think so. Getting beer into your car is pretty easy otherwise. Just went to one here in Marfa, Tx. El Cheapo the place is called.The one bad thing about a drive through is that you cannot see everything, so you better know what you want to buy. Tequila and Triple Sec for margaritas, tonight.

Last night went go see the local football team play in their Homecoming game. Only went to one football game when I was in highschool. I am confused about the game, it is so #$%#$ slow. Most of the game the players are just standing around. Soccer, or the real football, is a much more active game- just look at which players are in better shape. Had some nachos. Whatever the sauce is, the same lab is churning out that same orange goo. Tasty though!

After the first half of the game we went to a local art gallery,, though is it local as it is not there for the locals, well the locals who are there 2 weeks of the year. One of which I might become if we ever build our place, but I hope to be here for more than 2 weeks a year. Anyways…the two crowds were very different. Clothing, ages, etc different. I wonder how many people feel equally comfortable or drawn to both settings. Both camps can learn from each other.

Road Kill

While driving out to Marfa from El Paso, I hit a couple animals. One was a rabbit and the other I think was a badger. It definitely made a larger sound that the rabbit. The rabbit ran right out in the road. Are they attracted to the light? Is it a hazing ritual for a leporidian fraternity? well anyways, neither of those animals’ genes got passed on to the next generation. Unless they already mated. But it got me thinking-how come I don’t feel bad when I eat a chicken or a can of tuna? Is it because I am not directly involved with the killing of the animal? It has become so sanitized, wrapped in plastic or in a can, no blood and guts? People should have to kill the meat they eat, at least once. It would make them appreciate it.

There should be meat licenses. Only after you show that you have the ability to catch/raise, kill and clean a type of meat, are you then awarded the “license” to eat that kind of meat. A license to kill, if you will.

The amount of meat eaten would just plummet. Yes, I know…one more thing to regulate and enforce. Not that I think those licenses should really exist, but people should appreciate where it comes from more.

The Pope and Islam

So the new Pope from Germany makes some bad remarks about Islam. Uses a quote in the wrong way. And then some people blow up grenades verifying his the Pope’s point.

Just how stupid are those people?

Friends with Money

Don’t bother to see it. waste of two hours. Can I get them back? Sex scenes but no sex. And bad acting on the part of Scott Caan not wanting to look at Jennifer Aniston during sex. R rated for pot smoking and swearing. At least it wasn’t a PG-13. There are too many PG-13 movies. No one has the balls to make a real R rated movie. Everyone wants to appeal to the Wal-Mart red state crowd. Too many pg13s is another sign of how dull and spiceless we are becoming as a whole. Stay in the middle, don’t stick out. Be bland, be fat white and bland. Don’t really have a good time. Just try to not have a bad time.

Why are so many movies made like this? —Oh we are all messed up and we are not really friends but everything will work out. Life is good in the end. What i want to see is a movie that is cheesy and bland for the first 75% and then everyone dies in the end. Kinda like if they took that terrible movie Steve Martin was in when he had 12 kids and have an ending where the house burns down and everyone dies. OR he loses his job and kills himself and the whole family. That would be interesting, kinda like an alternative ending in the special features on the DVD.


Well, well, well…

Can’t say it was a resounding success. Don’t think any one noticed anything. Only had 9 people. Hoped to get 50, about 15 email responses and then 9 people. Part of the problem was meeting people in the YB garden b4 hand to get them the shirts. But people came and would do it again. Gonna wait for the next exhibit at SF MOMA. and have 20 people!

Though got to see work by Matthew Barney. Something about that guy rubs me the wrong way. Not sure what he is working on. But that video by Sam somebody, a woman from England, with the video that is of people holding still. You can see them blink and the cigarette burn. That is GOOD. I know what she is working on. Barney…he just makes shit, or has people make it for him. Where is all that plastic stuff going to be in 2 years? in 10 years? sitting in a warehouse somewhere. and what is the idea behind it all?

Hell, i’m probably just jealous…


Well, the day is finally here, and not many people have responded. I figured that a month time would be enough time for people to clear there schedules and do it. Either not enough time or people are not into the idea. Who wouldn’t want to walk around the museum on a free day?

Kelly said that not many people want to be a spectacle or part of a spectacle. But that is why I sent the invite to people who i thought liked being looked at DANCERS, but not many of them responded either. I mean all it is, is walk around with a shirt on, not hard.

People walk around allday with stuff on their shirts, advertising this and that. Frikken hipsters and their vintage shirts advertising athletics programmes from the midwest in the 70s, advertising someone else’s past. Guess that is what you do when you have no past worth mentioning, went to art school in the big City and spend most of their time looking for the next band/bar/cheap beer/piercing.

So got about 15 people, a FEW shy of the 50 I had hoped for. but I think 15 will still be enough for it. Who knows. now I just gotta figure out how to document it. Maybe just some photos on the sly. I mean video won’t be much better.

Need some Bond glasses with video cameras in them or something like that. How about an eye patch that is really a camera?

pina bausch and Yerba Buena

Dropped off a proposal for a show at Yerba Buena. I do not have a rejection letter yet from Yerba Buena, so that will be a nice addition for my file! But it is a great piece. Not very dancy, but who dances anymore? Ha ha ha ha. pushing, sweat and shattering glass, what more do you need?

Also just went to pina bausch’s web site.

I liked what was written about workshops etc. No ambiguity there. Nice and clean. Kinda like a rock, no questions how to deal with it. Wish I had more of that in me.

Have you seen “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”? Watched part of it and was surprised about Mickey Rooney’s character.


aarrggh beware the deadly blogosphere. Bow down before its might!

Everynow and then you see a list of the most visited blogs, which then get more hits, kind of a perpetual feedback. There should also be lists of the least visited blogs. Maybe then someone who is faithfully cranking away at their blog, posting posting posting will then get some recognition. Also could have a list of the blogs that are visited the average amount of times.

Maybe these alternative lists would churn the waters as it were…

toast is done…time for cold toast.


When in Munich on Sunday, we went to a climbing gym there, run by the German Alpine Club. great gym really tall and mostly lead climbing. But the coolest part was that there was no waiver to sign, no test. Just go in and climb. I guess if you hurt yourself, it’s your own damn fault. plus the landing there is just a concrete floor, no pebbles, no foam, just concrete. There were routes outside also. Wish there were a gym like that back home.

Why are so there many waivers in the “land of the free”?

Is that just a symptom of a slow erosion of our rights in general?-right to a fair wage, right to healthcare, right to a freely elected government

or are one man’s rights another man’s privileges?

Yesterday went to Neuschwanstein in Bavaria. Which I think the Disneyland castle was modeled after. We walked up to the castle and found out there was a 2 hour wait to get in for the tour. People had large tickets with the time of their tour on it. Once their tour time was on, they got in line after walking through the turnstiles. Totally Disneyfied.

Disney got the idea from King Ludwig’s castle, which now has to manage crowds in the same way.