Random Random Random

Yesterday Kelly and I were walking around Lake Merritt. I looked down in the water and saw a two things I would never imagine sitting near each other on the shells near the edge of the lake.

One was an egg, a regular chicken egg (though maybe it was a duck egg or an egg of some other fowl denizen of the Lake. The second object was a mini disco ball about the size of a tennis ball.

an egg and a disco ball…go figure

how did they get there? were they placed there together? What are the chances? Could you ever thought of that combo?

Random Random Random


Just was driving back from the airport this morning, or was it afternoon. Anyways, heard an author on the radio, A.M. Holmes I think the name was. She was being interviewed on that show on NPR hosted by Linda Hunt. The author kept beginning sentences with “Honestly…” or “I have to honestly say…”

If she needs to use the word honestly so many times, is she telling thre truth when she does not use it? It’s kinda like grocery stores that have healthfood sections. What is the rest of the food then?

digital replacement

Recently I have been seeing more and more people listening to music playing on their cellphones. The sound quality is horrible, but there they are walking along listening to it anyways.

It must be music they have heard before and the badly reproduced digital version of it triggers a memory of the song they know. So in some sense the song they are hearing is in their head not the one coming out of the tiny cellphone speaker.

References is all we have nowadays. Digital music leaving out all the nuances of analog. Protein powder, Cliff Bars and vitamins replacing the complete nutrition humans used to eat. All the anitoxidants etc. continually being “discovered” which were there all along in a balanced diet.

Kinda like pornography. A stimulation that triggers a larger inate response within the human animal. Not the real thing but a reference to it. How much more removed from real experiences and expression are we going to get? To what extent does this reach in our collective psyche? To other people dying (IRAQ). It has definitely infiltrated the food chain. People, myself included, have no appreciation for where MEAT comes from.

It is all so sanitized.

CI class

Hmm….revelation today-you can do what you want but how people respond determines the outcome. If I try to slide but my partner goes with the impulse it is not a slide but a static point moving through space.

You can’t always get what you want…Like a CA$H grant, or a residency…

If not me, who? If not, now when?

blog blogbloggg bbbblog bloog blogblllog bblloogg.

Zoos- the few for the many

Went to the Oakland Zoo today. kinda like going to the mall, instead of people watching it’s animal watching, which is basically animal watching (unless you don’t believe in evolution). But a friend was telling me about a movement that is trying to prevent zoos from restocking their aging animals. Belief is that it is bad for any animal to not be in its natural environment. ( wonder if any of those folk have pets?) But I am sure it sucks to be in the zoo as opposed to the real world. So what is the function of a zoo? Prevention of species depletion, showcasing animals to create empathy in a mostly urban human population, spectacle? so are these people, who are against zoos, doing much to prevent loss of habitat, to prevent species from dying out, to create sympathy for wild animals, in a manner to replace the function of zoos.

Or are zoos just such a horrible place? If they are horrible, but the end result is good-sympathy, awareness etc- is it okay to then sacrifice the few for the many?
Or is that rather Machiavellian(sp?)?

Yahoo! is a bunch of wankers

Well…Yahoo! still hasn’t fixed the blog yet. Still an ardous (sp?) route to get to be able to post something. Is it that hard to fix it? Come on people now smile on your brother. Hmm… the r key is better but my typing still sucks. Hot enough for you today? and why will jobs be lost in the US if we curb greenhouse gases? I mean if we make everyone get smaller cars that would mean that we would have to build more cars. And if we revamp the infrastructure ( freeways, highrises vs. single family home) that is a lot of jobs there in rebuilding. Dammit why can’t I rule the world? Or at least why can’t everyone listen to me?
What this country needs is a few good wars to blow up all the housing so we can build it better. Or maybe not wars but earthquakes/hurricanes etc and clean up the bad housing mess.

So who’s with me for a rain dance?

Times Square

God, is it ugly! Talk about the grand temple to American Capitalism. Lights buy shoes watches tours Broadway movies buy. Why didn’t Al Qaida hit that instead of the Twin Towers? I think that would have had a stronger affect on tourism etc. I wonder now that I have typed that, Big Brother is going to come after me. Well, at least then someone will have looked at my site.

But to me it seems to actually stop terrorist attacks is pretty hard. Why not prevent the events/situations that lead to the attacks. How about large amounts of water soluble THC in water supplies in tense parts of the world. Then business would increase…more demand for McDonalds and black lights. I mean isn’t that what Bush and Co really wants? People fat and happy, too stupid to do anything but consume?

That would be a great movie. Some kids in college make a water soluble form of THC. One of the kids brothers is in the Israeli Army, another kid has family in Palestine. They take the formula/process to Israel, dump some of the product in the water supply. For a week everyone is too stoned to shoot each other. All they want to do is eat, dance, listen to music, have sex…

Consumption and destruction…both the easy thing to do. That is why our country seems to do only those two. Easier to bomb a house than build it. easier to eat a burger, than raise the cow kill it, clean, make the bun etc…


Flew to NYC on saturday and used the bathrooms at a couple airports, DC and NYC. Noticed something for the first time though they have always been there. Why the little dividers between urinals?

Is it for splashing? Not sure about that. How many people have that severe of aiming problems? If they are that bad, they probably have problems standing.

Is it for wandering eyes? So you don’t look at the Johnson of the guy next to you? Hmm…are you that curious? But then again other people’s genitals can be like traffic accidents- you don’t wanna look but you just do.

Lake Merritt Wildlife

Lake Merritt is kinda scary. Walking home from BART today by the lake, and saw something moving in it. At first I thought it was a cigarette but being moved by the wind, but then it repeated changed directions. Maybe it is a tadpole- I thought. But it was to colorful to be a tadpole, at least like any one I have ever seen.

The larger hind section was pinkish and rotated around its long axis. The front shorter end was whitish and round. It swirled aimlessly, up and down until it hit the wall and stuck in the algae, feasting it looked like.

I wonder what weirdness lurks at the bottom of our local cesspool, mutated by years of exposure to oil, antifreeze, Cheetos and Gatorade bottles. Is it steril due to birthcontrol hormones washing down drains or overgrown?

Oh, I think the people upstairs are having sex again!

X-men 3

OK, OK, who is the moron that writes these scripts?

I mean you get the Leech kid stick him near Jean Grey and whammo problem solved. She’s not so incontrollable/psycho. She is then just another pretty face.

Kinda like in the second one (in that there was an easy solution but it is not taken to drive the story forward), when all the water is rushing down from the burst dam and Ice Boy just sits there. Hello Moron freeze the water. And maybe he was young and not that strong but he could have frozen some of it around Jean and then get her out.

I know, I know, you’re saying that Jean had to die for the next one could be made. But couldn’t they, the writers, have made her die in a more inevitable fashion. Such silly problems (if that is the right word) are irritating as a viewer

Also if she calls herself Pheonix, why cry when you kill her?

The Pheonix will rise again…God, I love franchises…