Templates for everything at least for stuff I have seen are #$%# ugly. people designing this stuff are trying way toooo hard. Can’t they have a template that is just black and white? Is Simple so hard?

I mean, these stupid Zen rocks. Why the bleep would I want to have Zen rocks on my site? Have you seen this ad that is in the NY times Magazine in the back? It’s for some swanky apt building and the shower has Zen Garden pebbles? Why do people with the most money have the worst taste? Sometimes I think that if i purposely had bad tast I would get rich.

Entry for May 11, 2006

Well, maybe this template is not so bad. but then the real question is do I even want to have a blog on my site? (do I odd want to have a blog on my site?) Can or when is the word odd used to be the opposite of even? is it only in Mathematics? In terms of personalities the opposite of an odd personality is not an even personality. at least I have never used even in that sense. Well, even-keeled in terms of stable and sane, but that is not necessarily the opposite of odd. “he was really odd-keeled that man.” Hmm…