Heart and Soul

Paraphrasing Schuller and Duke-

‘”Improvisation is the heart and soul of [contact improvisation].” However, [contact improvisation] is not the heart and soul of improvisation, and they are definitely not one and the same.’ – John Henry Duke, Teaching Musical Improvisation: A Study of 18th and 20th Century Methods, pg. 16

Another definition

The choreography of a piece is that which is repeatable between iterations.

The improvisation of a piece is that which is not repeatable between iterations.

5 new words

infrapresentationologist –  one who studies what lies below the surface of presentation
maltempotude – the condition of having the incorrect temporal relationship with another
anteformology – the study of what comes before a shape comes into existence
heterokinespherism – the state of existing in at least two different shapes
quasicorpologist – one who has seemingly studied the human form and its potentialities

Another definition for Contact

Con –
1. a prefix meaning “with,” “together,” “in association”
2. a verb meaning “to commit to memory” or “to study or examine closely”
3. an adverb meaning “on the negative side” or “in opposition”

4. a verb meaning “swindle”, “manipulate”, “persuade”, or “cajole”

Tact –
1.a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.
2.a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination.
3.touch or the sense of touch.

A defintion

Improvisation: bodies manifesting and dissolving dynamic temporal-spatial structures according to aesthetic and physical potentialities and proclivities in a planar arena.