
I was recently in Houston. A fellow dancer who participated in March 2 Marfa, Leslie Scates organized the trip. She is a native Houstonian brought K, M and me out there. We taught 2 classes at the University of Houston – a contact class to the Modern 2 class and an improvisation/comp class to the comp class. Also performed at the Barnevelder Theater – Of No Relation III. Good show. Great reception, well not just the food and booze (!!!), but people’s response. Better response there than in the Bay Area. Not sure why.

The title of this post is Halliburton. Last Friday as we were driving to the theater for tech/rehearsal, we passed a factoryesque building. The sign said Halliburton. An American flag was on the pole. The day was grey and rainy, overcast and muggy. Looking at the flag in the rain, I had the question of whether or not it is kosher to fly the flag in the rain. After digging around in the internet, I have found out that it is. Well, as long as the flag is an “all weather flag”, whatever that is.

So my whole point about Halliburton, a huge beneficiary of the war in Iraq, displaying an American flag improperly, being a symbol of how conservatives have used patriotism and the war for their real purpose – profit – is out the window unless the flag flying over that Halliburton factory in Houston is not an all weather flag.

From the sad state it was in, I would say it was not.