Dance as Mixture

As everybody knows, there is a limited set of joints, and a much larger set of possible movements. More important for our purposes is the fact that there is an unlimited set of mixtures of joints and movement.

original text

As everybody knows, there is a limited set of chemical elements, ninety or a hundred, and a much larger set of chemical compounds. More important for our purposes is the fact that there is an unlimited set of mixtures of elements and compounds.

Gibson, James J. 2015. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. New York: Psychology Press.


The affordances in the moment for an improvising dancer, however, has to be measured relative to the dancer. They are unique for that dancer. They are not just abstract physical properties. They have a unity relative to the posture in the moment as well as the training, fitness, habits, and aesthetic interests of the dancer being considered. So affordance in dance cannot be measured as we measure in physics.

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As an affordance of support for a species of animal, however, they have to be measured relative to the animal. They are unique for that animal. They are not just abstract physical properties. They have unity relative to the posture and behavior of the animal being considered. So an affordance cannot be measured as we measure in physics.

The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, J.J. Gibson 2014, p 120