Matter Matters

What compels the belief that we have a direct access to cultural representations and their content that we lack toward the things represented?

How did language come to be more trustworthy than matter? [emphasis mine]

Why are language and culture granted their own agency and historicity while matter is figured as passive and immutable, or at best inherits a potential for change derivatively from language and culture?

How does one even go about inquiring after the material conditions that have led us to such a brute reversal of naturalist beliefs when materiality itself is always already figured within a linguistic domain as its condition of possibility?

– Barad, K 2003, ‘Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter’, Signs, 3, p. 801,

Primacy of Mind under attack.

‘ “Intelligent practice is not a step-child of theory. On the contrary theorising is one practice amongst others and is itself intelligently or stupidly conducted.”
Ryle pg 26, The Concept of Mind, New York: Hutchinson’s University Library, 1949

“Ryle went on to argue that…thinking…is merely an adverbial-like modification of activities.” Lyon pg 189 Gilbert Ryle: An Introduction to His Philosophy, Sussex: The Harvester Press,1980

“Despite the criticism that this statement faces within philosophical discourse…” Lycouris pg 64 Destabilizing Dance 1996 ‘

Is it any wonder that the second statement faces criticism with philosophical discourse? How dare anyone challenge the primacy of mind?

What does it say about dance and philosophy that an idea from 1949 is still controversial?

The three quotes above come from Destabilizing Dance, Lycouris’ dissertation through University of Surrey.


God of Triangles

If triangles had a God, he would have three sides.

– Charles de Montesquieu, philosopher and writer (18 Jan 1689-1755)


Everything important that has happened or is happening takes the route of the American rhizome – Dolce and Gabbana 2004, A Thousand Mesas

where pure noetic moments reside

On the other hand, however, noesis can be also divided into a dynamic side, where pure noetic moments reside, and the passive side of hyletic data.- Kosowski, Lukasz.

Phenomenology & Mind : Noema and Thinkability : An Essay on Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality. Munchen, DEU: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 21 December 2015.

Copyright © 2013. Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved.

Oh, the Places you’ll go

This means that every act that is composed of A, is also composed of A’s  predecessor and successor. – Phenomenology & Mind : Noema and Thinkability : An Essay on Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality by Lukasz Kosowski pg 67.

in other words: Where you are is determined by where you have been and determines where you can go.

Futility of Life

‘Heidegger, Agamben, and Arendt as well are afraid that human life might be reduced to mere organic being, unredeemed from what Arendt calls the “essential futility” of life.’

from “The Origin of the Work of Art in Material Practice” by Henry Staten.