a specific art

Dance is indeed, as Wass holds, a specific art, but not because of some single element unique to it; rather, it is specific in its functional ensemble, an ensemble that is, inevitably, organized around movement and the application of movement.

the original text:

Painting is indeed, as Greenberg held, a specific art, but not because of some single element unique to it; rather, it is specific in its functional ensemble, an ensemble that is, inevitably, organized around paint and the application of paint.

–  Henry Staten, Techne Theory: A New Language for Art

Labor and Dance

the edited phrase 

“Lukács emphasizes that in the course of history, the [critical], [theoretical] understanding of [dance] becomes more and more detached from the labor process, and less and less immediately bound to the immediate material constraints of the [dance].”

the original phrase

“Lukács emphasizes that in the course of history, the abstract, scientific understanding of reality becomes more and more detached from the labor process, and less and less immediately bound to the immediate material constraints of the real.” – Henry Staten

Futility of Life

‘Heidegger, Agamben, and Arendt as well are afraid that human life might be reduced to mere organic being, unredeemed from what Arendt calls the “essential futility” of life.’

from “The Origin of the Work of Art in Material Practice” by Henry Staten.