
joyous anatomical movement, just any movement, justify all motivations, just anatomical motivations, juried anatomical motivations, joint articulated motion, jointly arranged motifs, judiciously articulated meaning, juxtapose all meaning, jettison any meaning.

as with any jam, combine the known variables to suit your needs in the moment






c r e a t i v e r e a c t i o n c r e a t e d r e a c t i n g

r e a c t i v e c r e a t i o n r e a c t e d c r e a t i n g








Throw in the Towel

When I finally decided to give up religion, I threw in the cowl.

When I finally decided to give up frowning, I threw in the scowl.

When I finally decided to give up spelling, I threw in the vowel.

When I finally decided to give up poetry, I threw in the Howl.

When I finally decided to give up carpentry, I threw in the dowel.

When I finally decided to give up gardening, I threw in the trowel.